
日本在巴黎奥运会上获得了 17 枚金牌,排名金牌榜第三,这与他们之前在东京奥运会上的表现相比有了显著提升。日本取得这一成绩的原因是多方面的,包括:

– **长期战略规划:** 日本政府和体育界制定了长期战略,培养年轻运动员,并提高教练水平。
– **科学训练方法:** 日本运动员采用了科学的训练方法,注重体能和技术训练,以提高竞技水平。
– **广泛的群众基础:** 日本拥有广泛的体育人口,为国家队输送了大量优秀人才。
– **政府和企业的支持:** 日本政府和企业对体育事业给予了大力支持,为运动员提供了良好的训练和比赛环境。

## Original Title: 巴黎奥运日本高居金牌榜第3的背后

## Summary:
Japan achieved a remarkable feat at the Paris Olympics, securing 17 gold medals and ranking third on the medal table. This improvement from their performance at the Tokyo Olympics can be attributed to several factors:

– **Long-term strategic planning:** The Japanese government and sports community have implemented long-term strategies to nurture young athletes and enhance coaching expertise.
– **Scientific training methods:** Japanese athletes employ scientific training methods, focusing on physical conditioning and technical training to elevate their competitive edge.
– **Extensive grassroots participation:** Japan boasts a vast sports population, providing a steady stream of talented athletes for the national team.
– **Government and corporate support:** The Japanese government and businesses have strongly supported sports endeavors, providing athletes with excellent training and competition environments.

Original article: http://cn.nikkei.com/politicsaeconomy/politicsasociety/56403-2024-08-13-10-22-21.html?print=1