
A lawyer in Beijing, Yi Sheng-hua, was rumored to have been removed from his post as director of the Yongzhe Law Firm after he exposed a case of body theft and sale in Shanxi. However, staff at the firm denied this claim, stating that Yi Sheng-hua had stepped down from his position as director in 2022, and that the removal was unrelated to the body theft case.

Translated Title: 北京律师传因揭露尸体盗卖案卸任主任职务,律师事务所否认

Summary: 北京勇者律师事务所主任易胜华因披露山西盗卖尸体案,被传出卸任主任职务。但该事务所工作人员今天在电话中告诉中央社,易胜华早在2022年就卸下了主任一职,与盗卖尸体案无关。

Original article: https://www.cna.com.tw/news/acn/202408140049.aspx