日本首相热门候选人石破茂率团访台 中国:强烈不满提出交涉

Former Japanese Defense Minister Ishiba Shigeru, considered a potential candidate for Japan’s next Prime Minister, recently led a delegation to Taiwan and met with President Tsai Ing-wen and Vice President Lai Ching-te. In response, the Chinese Embassy in Japan reiterated its opposition to Taiwan independence and expressed “strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition.” The embassy stated that China has lodged “stern representations” with the Japanese government.

Translated Summary: 日本前防卫大臣石破茂被认为是日本下一任首相的热门人选,他最近率团访问台湾,并会见了总统蔡英文和副总统赖清德。对此,中国驻日本大使馆重申了反对台独的立场,并表示“强烈不满,坚决反对”。大使馆称中国已向日本政府提出“严正交涉”。

Original article: https://www.cna.com.tw/news/acn/202408140398.aspx