

Original Title: 岸田政权给日本经济带来那些变化?

Summary: Kishida’s administration has been in power for three years, during which Japan’s economy has escaped deflation, but has not achieved self-driven growth. Kishida has pushed for a shift in monetary policy, leading the Bank of Japan to abolish negative interest rates in March 2023 and raise interest rates again in July 2024. While the stock market has shown a relatively positive attitude toward Kishida’s administration, a path to fiscal reconstruction remains elusive. The depreciation of the yen has become a symbol of Japan’s weak economy, with its declining international competitiveness exacerbating yen short-selling.

Original article: http://cn.nikkei.com/politicsaeconomy/economic-policy/56428-2024-08-15-10-39-10.html?print=1