意大利西西里岛附近游艇沉没,科技企业家迈克·林奇在内的 6 人失踪

一艘游艇在风暴中沉没,15 人获救,但包括英国软件大亨迈克·林奇在内的 6 人失踪。搜救人员已出动专业潜水员在深水区进行搜救。

Original Title: Tech Entrepreneur Mike Lynch Among 6 Missing After Yacht Sinks Off Sicily
Article Content:
Fifteen other people were rescued after the vessel went down in a storm. Expert divers were called in to carry out search operations in the deep water. Among the missing was a British software mogul.

Original article: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/19/world/europe/italy-sicily-yacht-sinks.html