
Edralina Diezon, a janitor who was sending money back to her family in the Philippines, lost everything in the Maui wildfires. Despite surviving the initial disaster, rebuilding her life proved incredibly difficult. The article highlights the ongoing struggles faced by wildfire survivors, showcasing the challenges of navigating the complex systems of aid and finding the resources necessary to recover from such a devastating loss.

## 翻译后的摘要:

Edralina Diezon 是一位清洁工,她一直在向菲律宾的家人汇款,但在毛伊岛野火中失去了所有财产。尽管在最初的灾难中幸存下来,但重建生活却证明非常困难。这篇文章重点介绍了野火幸存者所面临的持续困境,展示了在复杂的援助体系中航行以及寻找资源以从如此毁灭性的损失中恢复的挑战。

Original article: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/21/business/maui-wildfires-survivors-deaths.html