

Original Title: 中国多家媒体撰文纪念邓小平诞辰120周年
Summary: On the 120th anniversary of Deng Xiaoping’s birth, numerous Chinese media outlets published articles commemorating him, emphasizing the promotion of “Chinese-style modernization.” The CCP’s publication “Seeking Truth” quoted Deng Xiaoping’s remarks on market economy, stating that Xi Jinping laid the foundation for “Chinese-style socialism” while Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao continued to write “brilliant chapters.” In mid-July, the CCP held the third plenum to formulate economic policies, and Xinhua News Agency published a long article comparing Xi Jinping to Deng Xiaoping. However, the article was subsequently removed, drawing attention. Reform and opening up have become a sensitive topic, and against this backdrop, Chinese media have repeatedly mentioned key terms related to reform and opening up.

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