Costco 成立于 1984 年,当时它只是一家位于安克雷奇郊区的仓库式商店,主打大包装折扣商品。如今,它已成为全球第三大零售商,其成功不仅源于对囤货的迎合,更源于它抓住了美国消费者既精打细算又追求炫耀性消费的心理。Costco 以其高工资、周到的客户服务和“对诚信的坚定承诺”而闻名,其创始人索尔·普莱斯以其朴实的价值观和反资本主义倾向,为公司奠定了独特的文化基础。Costco 谨慎地控制着公司扩张的速度,但其海外市场仍在蓬勃发展,特别是在亚洲,这也反过来影响了美国本土产品线的丰富。Costco 拒绝出售货架空间,也不愿意接受技术,并通过其简朴的仓库设计和“寻宝氛围”营造一种“物超所值”的购物体验。尽管其营销策略可能暗示消费者购买他们并不真正需要的商品,但 Costco 仍继续赢得会员的信赖。

Original Title: Why Everyone Loves Costco
Summary: Founded in 1984, Costco began as a warehouse store in suburban Anchorage, Alaska, offering bulk discounts on everyday items. Today, it’s the third-largest retailer in the world, and its success stems not only from appealing to the desire to stockpile but also from tapping into the American consumer’s simultaneous drive for thrift and conspicuous consumption. Costco is lauded for its high wages, attentive customer service and “unwavering commitment to integrity,” a culture set by its founder, Sol Price, who brought to the company a homespun set of values and an anti-capitalist streak. While careful about its expansion, Costco is increasingly growing overseas, especially in Asia, which in turn has broadened its product line in the United States. Costco resists selling shelf space and embracing technology, and its minimalist warehouse design and “treasure hunt” atmosphere create a perception of value. Despite its marketing strategy, which may encourage shoppers to buy things they don’t truly need, Costco continues to win over members.

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