从加沙地区回收的 6 具遗体解剖显示子弹,人质家属倡导组织表示

据人质家属倡导组织表示,对从加沙地区回收的 6 具遗体进行的尸检显示,这些遗体上有子弹。这一说法引发了关于以色列人质如何死亡的新问题。以色列军方发言人强调,现在断言枪伤是导致死亡的原因还为时过早。

Original Title: Autopsies of 6 Bodies Recovered From Gaza Reveal Bullets, Advocacy Group for Hostage Families Says
Article Content:
The assertion raised new questions about how the Israeli hostages died. An Israeli military spokesperson stressed that it was too soon to determine whether gunshot wounds were the cause of death.

Original article: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/22/world/middleeast/israeli-hostages-autopsies.html