

Original Title: 台湾总统赖清德上任一百天:秉持“不卑不亢”下 有哪些“内忧外患”?
Summary: President Lai Ching-te of Taiwan has been in office for 100 days, facing numerous challenges from both within and outside Taiwan. Regarding cross-strait relations, Lai’s “neither humble nor arrogant” stance has been met with strong countermeasures from the Chinese government, rendering official dialogue between the two sides virtually impossible. The outcome of the US election will determine the direction of Taiwan-US relations, with a Trump victory potentially leading to a decrease in US support for Taiwan. On the domestic front, Lai faces a “small government, large opposition” situation in the legislature, posing obstacles to his policy implementation. To boost his approval rating, Lai has launched an anti-corruption and expose-corruption campaign. He has also highlighted denuclearization and carbon reduction regarding energy transformation, but the controversy surrounding nuclear power plant extension remains.

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