
检察官杰克·史密斯修改了针对前总统特朗普的起诉书,该起诉书指控特朗普密谋推翻 2020 年大选结果。此次修改是为了回应最高法院此前做出的裁决,该裁决赋予前总统广泛的豁免权。史密斯调整了起诉书中关于特朗普在选举后试图阻止权力和平移交的指控,以符合最高法院的裁决。

Original Title: Jack Smith Revises Trump Indictment in Jan. 6 Case to Address Immunity
Article Content:
Jack Smith’s filing, in the case charging the former president with plotting to overturn the 2020 election, came in response to the Supreme Court’s ruling giving former presidents broad immunity.

Original article: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/27/us/politics/trump-indictment-election-jan-6.html