
Luke Bennett, an esports champion, won a cash prize after triumphing at the Esports World Cup in Riyadh. This victory has fueled his desire to transition from the virtual realm of sim racing to the real-world arena of motorsport. Bennett’s success in the virtual world has provided him with valuable experience and knowledge, which he believes will serve him well as he embarks on this exciting new chapter.

## 翻译后的摘要:

Luke Bennett,一位电子竞技冠军,在利雅得的电子竞技世界杯上赢得了一笔现金奖励。这场胜利激发了他想要从虚拟的模拟赛车领域过渡到现实世界赛车运动的愿望。Bennett 在虚拟世界的成功为他提供了宝贵的经验和知识,他相信这些经验将帮助他踏上这个令人兴奋的新篇章。

Original article: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cd6ywyg28nvo