Rizzle Kicks: 我们需要在聚光灯下成长

Rizzle Kicks, a duo who last released a single eight years ago, have returned to the music scene. In an interview with BBC Newsbeat, they discussed their hiatus and their decision to come back. They explain that they needed time to grow up and mature, both as individuals and as artists. This period of growth, outside the spotlight, allowed them to develop their music and themselves. Their return signifies a new chapter in their musical journey, one where they feel ready to share their evolved sound with the world.

## zh-CN:
## 翻译标题: Rizzle Kicks: 我们需要在聚光灯下成长

## 摘要:
Rizzle Kicks,一个在八年前发布了最后一首单曲的二人组,已经回归了音乐界。在接受 BBC Newsbeat 的采访时,他们谈到了他们的休整期以及回归的决定。他们解释说,他们需要时间成长和成熟,无论是作为个人还是作为艺术家。这段在聚光灯之外的成长期让他们得以发展自己的音乐和自我。他们的回归标志着他们音乐旅程的新篇章,他们已经准备好与世界分享他们进化后的声音。

Original article: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cly3eglz0j4o