
一位BBC记者在数月内被加入了82个不同的Telegram犯罪群组,其中涉及贩毒、信用卡盗刷、黑客、假代金券交易等各种非法活动。Telegram因其匿名性和缺乏审核机制,成为了暗网的替代平台,吸引了各种犯罪分子。尽管Telegram声称进行主动审核,但法国检察官指控其缺乏审核机制,特别是针对儿童性虐待材料的监管。此外,Telegram对执法部门的漠视也引发了担忧,其拒绝与警方合作,提供相关数据,更使得平台成为犯罪分子逍遥法外的“天堂”。 虽然一些人担心杜洛夫的被捕会对言论自由造成威胁,但数字权利组织Access Now表示,Telegram在打击非法活动方面存在严重问题,需要对平台进行更多监管。

Original Title: Telegram:从毒品、武器到假代金券,“你口袋里的暗网”
Summary: A BBC reporter was added to 82 different Telegram criminal groups within a few months, covering various illegal activities including drug trafficking, credit card fraud, hacking, and fake voucher transactions. Telegram, with its anonymity and lack of moderation, has become an alternative platform to the dark web, attracting various criminals. While Telegram claims to actively moderate, French prosecutors have accused it of lacking moderation, particularly in its handling of child sexual abuse material. In addition, Telegram’s disregard for law enforcement agencies has also raised concerns, as its refusal to cooperate with the police and provide relevant data has made the platform a “haven” for criminals to get away with it. While some fear that Durov’s arrest could threaten freedom of speech, the digital rights group Access Now says Telegram has serious problems in fighting illegal activities and needs more regulation.

Original article: https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp/world-69313893?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA