
斯普林菲尔德镇因工作机会吸引了数千名海地移民,当地雇主对此十分高兴。然而,一起由移民司机引发的致命校车事故,以及政治人物JD Vance的介入,将这座小镇推向了移民辩论的中心。

## Original Title: How an Ohio Town Landed in the Middle of the Immigration Debate

## Article Content:
Jobs attracted thousands of Haitians to Springfield, and employers were ecstatic. But then an immigrant driver was involved in a fatal school bus crash. And JD Vance entered the fray.

Original article: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/03/us/springfield-ohio-school-bus-crash-haiti-immigrants.html