

Original Title: 日本政府拟对减排未达标企业实施罚款

Summary: The Japanese government is adjusting the greenhouse gas emissions trading system, which will be formally introduced in 2026. If companies fail to meet their emission reduction targets and do not purchase emission allowances from other companies, they will be fined. This creates a de facto penalty mechanism for companies that are not actively participating in greenhouse gas reduction measures, aiming to improve the effectiveness of the trading system. Related content will be included in the amendment to the Green Transformation Promotion Act, which is scheduled to be submitted to the regular Diet session in 2025.

The Japanese government discussed measures to enhance the effectiveness of the emissions trading system at a Cabinet Secretariat expert meeting on emissions trading systems on September 3. The framework of the system, including fines, is expected to be finalized by the end of 2024.

The Japanese government plans to require large companies, such as electricity and steel companies, with certain emissions levels to participate in the emissions trading system starting in fiscal 2026. The government also plans to introduce a fine system.

Emissions trading is one of the “carbon pricing” methods that sets a price for carbon. This system sets a cap on the greenhouse gas emissions of companies. Companies that fail to reduce their emissions sufficiently must purchase remaining emissions allowances from companies that have achieved their goals.

Regarding the specific amount of the fine, it is likely to be set according to a legal price per ton of carbon dioxide. The European Union, which is leading the way, has set a price of €100 per ton.

Since fiscal 2023, Japan has implemented a pilot emissions trading system in which companies voluntarily participate. This system is not legally binding, and participation rates vary across industries. Europe was the first to introduce a legally binding system, and Japan faces the challenge of establishing a system that can incentivize companies to make emission reduction efforts.

Original article: http://cn.nikkei.com/politicsaeconomy/economic-policy/56588-2024-09-03-10-00-44.html?print=1