
劳拉·戴维斯和卡里斯·斯通的家人等待了多年才进行验尸。 她们认为验尸延迟是一种“残酷的行为”,因为这会拖延她们了解真相的时间。 他们呼吁改善验尸系统,以便其他家庭不必经历他们所经历的痛苦。

## Original Title: Mums say delays to inquests an ‘act of cruelty’

## Article Content:

The families of Laura Davies and Cariss Stone waited years for their inquests. They say the delays are an “act of cruelty” as it prevents them from getting answers about what happened to their loved ones. They are calling for improvements to the inquest system so that other families do not have to go through what they have.

Original article: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ckg2vz4r2x9o