Waymo 扩展无人驾驶汽车业务,转向盈利

Waymo, the autonomous driving company owned by Alphabet, is moving towards profitability as its technology proves effective in real-world city environments. Following successful testing, Waymo plans to invest billions more in expanding its driverless car business. This shift signifies a transition from solely focusing on research and development to a more commercial approach.

## zh-CN:

## 译文标题:Waymo 扩展无人驾驶汽车业务,转向盈利

## 摘要:

Alphabet 旗下的自动驾驶公司 Waymo 正朝着盈利方向发展,其技术在现实城市环境中的有效性已得到证明。在成功测试后,Waymo 计划投资数十亿美元来扩展其无人驾驶汽车业务。这种转变标志着 Waymo 从单纯的研发转向更商业化的方向。

Original article: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/04/technology/waymo-expansion-alphabet.html