
台灣青年赴中國的觀點隨著兩岸關係的變化而產生微妙的變化。一些青年受吸引於中國的經濟發展,認為中國的實力不容小覷。他們通過交流團或個人旅行,希望能親眼見證中國的變化。然而,中國近年來加強對台統戰,頒布「反台獨22條」等法令,並加強對赴中國台灣人的審查,導致部分台灣人感到擔憂。部分青年擔心被「統戰」,認為赴中交流可能讓台灣人對統一更接受。另一方面,也有青年認為赴中交流能釋出善意,平衡兩岸關係。 總體而言,台灣青年赴中國的行為反映了他們對兩岸關係的複雜情感,既有好奇與嚮往,也有不安與憂慮。

Original Title: 交流或滲透?台灣青年到中國的不安與嚮往
Summary: Taiwanese youth’s views on visiting China are evolving in a complex manner, influenced by the changing dynamics between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. Some young people are drawn to China’s economic development, acknowledging its growing power. They participate in exchange programs or individual trips hoping to witness China’s transformation firsthand. However, China’s recent efforts to strengthen its unified front work towards Taiwan, including the implementation of the “Anti-Secession Law” and increased scrutiny of Taiwanese visitors, have led to concerns among some Taiwanese. Certain young people fear being subjected to “United Front” tactics, arguing that visiting China may make Taiwanese more receptive to unification. Conversely, others believe that engaging in exchange programs with China can convey goodwill and balance the cross-strait relationship. Overall, Taiwanese youth’s actions in visiting China reflect their intricate emotions regarding the relationship between the two sides, characterized by a mixture of curiosity, longing, anxiety, and apprehension.

Original article: https://www.dw.com/zh/%E4%BA%A4%E6%B5%81%E6%88%96%E6%BB%B2%E9%80%8F%EF%BC%9F%E5%8F%B0%E7%81%A3%E9%9D%92%E5%B9%B4%E5%88%B0%E4%B8%AD%E5%9C%8B%E7%9A%84%E4%B8%8D%E5%AE%89%E8%88%87%E5%9A%AE%E5%BE%80/a-70137912