
With just over four months left in his term, US President Biden’s administration has intensified diplomatic efforts to broker a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. Despite weeks of delays and setbacks, the administration remains optimistic. If a ceasefire is reached, it could benefit the Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris’s election prospects.


翻译后的标题: 拜登推动加沙停火协议,若达成或将提升贺锦丽选情

摘要: 在任期仅剩四个月的情况下,美国总统拜登政府加大了外交努力,以促成加沙地带停火协议。尽管经历了数周的延误和挫折,但政府仍然保持乐观态度。如果达成停火协议,这将有利于民主党总统候选人贺锦丽的选情。

Original article: https://www.cna.com.tw/news/aopl/202409080162.aspx