
中国于8月28日停止实施了三十多年的跨国收养政策,此举被认为是人口政策的里程碑式转变。过去,国际收养曾帮助中国减轻“一胎化政策”带来的负担,但如今中国面临着人口严重萎缩和老龄化加剧的问题。随着出生率持续下降,中国政府正将国内收养作为优先选项。 此前,许多外国家庭已在中国等候收养审批,但这一政策的叫停令他们陷入困境。 中国外交部表示,未来仅允许外国人收养其在中国三代以内的旁系同辈血亲的子女和继子女。 尽管国际收养已被叫停,但许多收养家庭依然期盼着政策能够重新开放。

Original Title: Why did China stop cross-border adoption?
Summary: On August 28, China ended its cross-border adoption policy that had been in place for over 30 years. This decision is considered a milestone shift in China’s population policy. In the past, international adoption helped China alleviate the burden of the “one-child policy,” but today China faces a serious population decline and aging problem. As birth rates continue to decline, the Chinese government is prioritizing domestic adoption. Previously, many foreign families had been waiting for adoption approvals in China, but this policy change has left them in a predicament. The Chinese Foreign Ministry stated that in the future, only foreigners will be allowed to adopt children and stepchildren who are their collateral relatives within three generations in China. Despite the halt of international adoption, many adoptive families still hope that the policy will reopen.

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