SpaceX 猎户座黎明任务发射:你需要知道的一切以及如何观看

SpaceX 的猎户座黎明任务是一项私人太空任务,计划在周二凌晨 3:38(东部时间)发射,此前曾经历过多次延迟。该任务将把宇航员带到地球更远的地方,这是自 NASA 阿波罗登月任务结束以来人类距离地球最远的一次。

## Original Title: SpaceX’s Polaris Dawn Launch: What to Know and How to Watch

## Article Content:
A private mission, scheduled to launch at 3:38 a.m. Eastern time Tuesday after a series of delays, would take people farther from Earth than anyone has traveled since the end of NASA’s Apollo moon missions.

Original article: