以色列空袭加沙“人道主义区”造成至少 19 人死亡,官员称

以色列军方称对加沙地区的哈马斯武装人员进行空袭,但此次空袭使用了 2000 磅炸弹,袭击地点似乎位于人口密集区,引发了国际社会的批评。至少 19 人在袭击中丧生。

## Original Title: Israeli Bombing in Gaza ‘Humanitarian Zone’ Kills at Least 19, Officials Say

## Article Content:
The Israeli airstrike, which the military said targeted Hamas militants, appeared to use 2,000-pound bombs, which Israel has been criticized for using in heavily populated areas.

Original article: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/10/world/middleeast/israeli-attack-gaza-humanitarian-zone.html