

Original Title: 美國女「毒騾」在中國被判無期,家人向美政府求助
Summary: Dawn Michelle Hunter, an American woman who loves to enter contests, was tricked into carrying a bag containing more than two kilograms of methamphetamine to China and was sentenced to life in prison. Hunter and her family say she was a victim of a drug trafficking scheme without her knowledge. The Chinese court did not accept this explanation, arguing that Hunter was intelligent enough to realize the truth upon arriving in Asia. Hunter’s family has appealed to the US government to intervene and negotiate with China for her release. The US State Department said it would visit Hunter regularly and provide consular assistance, but Hunter’s family believes they should do more, including ensuring Hunter receives better medical care and legal aid.

Original article: https://cn.nytimes.com/china/20240911/china-us-woman-imprisoned/zh-hant/?utm_source=RSS