
苹果在iPhone16上搭载了自主研发的生成式AI功能“Apple Intelligence”,试图在AI手机领域实现逆袭。该功能将分析手机数据并提供便利功能,但发布会透露,部分重要功能将延迟推出,日语支持也仅限于2025年。苹果面临来自三星等竞争对手的压力,AI手机市场增长迅速,苹果若不推出吸引力的AI功能,可能被市场抛弃。苹果希望通过鼓励开发者开发基于“Apple Intelligence”的应用程序,建立新的App经济圈,但这将是苹果能否在AI手机领域取得成功的关键。

Original Title: 苹果能在AI手机上实现逆袭吗?
Summary: Apple is looking to make a comeback in the relatively late-to-the-game generative AI (artificial intelligence) services. On September 9th, Apple announced it would equip its new smartphone, the “iPhone 16,” with its own generative AI capabilities, starting in the United States and then gradually expanding to other countries around the world. As the smartphone market, the company’s primary revenue source, slows down, the strengths and weaknesses of AI features will determine Apple’s future. Apple is striving to regain its position by building a generative AI app ecosystem.

All four models of the iPhone 16, which will be released on September 20, will be equipped with the generative AI “Apple Intelligence.”

This function will analyze data from the iPhone, including emails and photos, and provide convenient functions in a way that suits the user. For example, it automatically generates emails in the user’s writing style and language, or prioritizes iPhone notifications based on daily routines. This can be seen as a “butler”-like function that helps users with their daily lives.

At the September 9th press conference, Apple CEO Tim Cook emphasized, “Apple Intelligence will significantly enhance all aspects of life, including communication and work.”

Key Features Delayed

It has been nearly two years since the generative AI “ChatGPT” from OpenAI in the United States was unveiled in November 2022. Tech giants like Google and Meta in the United States have also been venturing into the generative AI field. Apple, which has been closely watched, finally implemented generative AI capabilities on its iPhone.

However, a closer look at the press conference reveals shortcomings. If the device language is set to English (United States), Apple Intelligence can be used from October onwards, but only for limited functions. Key features, including the integration with ChatGPT, will be available in the coming months. As for other languages, including Japanese and French, Apple only claimed they would be available “in 2025,” without giving a specific timeline.

Although the iPhone pioneered the smartphone market, Apple is facing a tough choice at this technological turning point in generative AI.

According to U.S. research firm IDC, global smartphone shipments increased by 6.5% year-on-year in the April-June period of 2024, but iPhone shipments only increased by 1.5%, failing to keep up with the overall market growth. In China, the iPhone fell out of the top five for the first time in about five years.

The “generative AI phone” is leading the current market.

IDC predicts that global smartphone shipments will turn to growth for the first time in three years in 2024, with generative AI phones accounting for 18%. Google’s operating system (OS) “Android” devices are expected to grow by 7.1%, while iPhone growth is projected to be a mere 0.8%.

Samsung Electronics of South Korea, Apple’s competitor, took the lead in AI phones by launching the “Galaxy S24” in the United States in January 2024, which can translate in real-time without an internet connection.

According to IDC, Samsung has maintained its top position in global smartphone sales for two consecutive quarters, including the second quarter of 2024 (April-June). Although Samsung lost the top spot for the year to Apple in 2023, it has overtaken Apple in the AI phone segment. If Apple fails to introduce attractive generative AI features, it could be left behind in a rapidly growing market.

Maintaining Prices Reflects Apple’s Sense of Crisis

Apple’s pricing in Japan, similar to that in the United States, starts at 124,800 yen (5,999 yuan in mainland China), which is in line with the pricing of the “15” series. This also reflects Apple’s sense of crisis. Even though material costs have risen due to inflation, Apple has not raised prices to encourage users to upgrade. Some in the market even predicted that the high-end “Pro” model, which has consistently maintained its price, would see an increase.

For Apple, the key to turning the tide in the late-to-the-game AI phone market lies in the development of apps that can fully leverage the generative AI capabilities known as the user’s “butler.” If users find it increasingly convenient, it will help prevent user churn.

Apple has built a $1.1 trillion app ecosystem by encouraging developers to create groundbreaking apps. For example, the use of the smartphone’s Global Positioning System (GPS) gave rise to ride-hailing services like “Uber.”

In the generative AI field, OpenAI and Meta in the United States have already begun encouraging external developers to build apps using their basic technology. Whether Apple can leverage its superior creator resources to establish a new generative AI app ecosystem will be the deciding factor.

**Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei Chinese Website) Rei Chuto Silicon Valley**

Original article: http://cn.nikkei.com/industry/itelectric-appliance/56670-2024-09-11-10-25-31.html?print=1