Thu, 20 Feb 2025 15:00:01 GMT
本文的一个版本首次出现在CNBC体育通讯中,由亚历克斯·谢尔曼撰写,该通讯为您带来体育商业和媒体领域的重要新闻和独家采访。订阅以直接接收未来版本至您的收件箱。上周末,我在旧金山参加了NBA全明星赛,这同时也是联盟和媒体高管们齐聚一堂、探讨比赛未来的盛会。我讨论最多的一个话题是,行业如何调整以保持年轻观众的兴趣。联盟和媒体决策者几乎一致认为,Alpha世代(大致定义为2010年至2025年出生的人)对观看现场比赛兴趣不大。他们会通过YouTube Shorts或TikTok的形式观看精彩片段,并希望看到他们最喜欢的创作者谈论NBA或与球员一起表演特技。但他们成长在一个注意力持续时间极短的媒体时代,观看两到三个小时带有广告的现场比赛的想法似乎显得可笑而过时。如果年轻观众不转变为比赛观众,迪士尼的ESPN将与联盟一样面临最大风险。该网络的整个业务都建立在现场观看的基础上。迪士尼已承诺投入数百亿美元用于现场体育合同——超过任何其他公司。ESPN将在今年秋季推出其押注公司的“旗舰”应用程序。我了解到一个有趣的信息:ESPN将在平台上构建用户生成内容(UGC)。虽然我对细节仍有些模糊,但我在7月份曾报道过,迪士尼高管们“每天都在”考虑YouTube的威胁,并讨论将UGC添加到Disney+中。ESPN的一位发言人拒绝置评。我被告知,至少部分UGC在初始发布时不会准备就绪,并将面向父母——或者至少是孩子和父母之间的共享体验。这很有道理。虽然Alpha世代可以轻松访问免费的YouTube,但支付ESPN应用程序的费用将由他们的父母承担——我被告知每月25或30美元。高管们仍在权衡这两个选项之间的合适价格。服务的价格、发布日期和名称都将在未来几个月内公布。对于名称,一些高管建议简单地称之为“ESPN”,同时将ESPN+品牌降级为更便宜的运动内容层级。这可能更多是一种可能性而非确定性,但这是他们正在考虑的一个想法。“‘新’电视看起来不像‘旧’电视,”YouTube首席执行官尼尔·莫汉在上周的年度信中写道。“它是互动的,包括Shorts(是的,人们会在电视上观看它们)、播客和直播流,与人们已经喜爱的体育、情景喜剧和脱口秀节目并列。”你正在看到这一现实逐渐渗透到NBA的战略中。全明星赛被缩短为多个迷你比赛,每场比赛在一队得分40分时结束。NBA总裁亚当·西尔弗最近考虑将每节比赛时间从12分钟缩短到10分钟。YouTube最大的明星,Mr. Beast,带着他的10万美元比赛之一,从Chase中心加入了全明星周末的直播。对于联盟和媒体公司来说,问题是Alpha世代远离观看完整比赛的趋势是不可逆转的,还是仅仅是年龄的产物。联盟有一些证据表明,赌博(合法年龄:18岁)增加了现场观众人数。这是西尔弗一直倡导合法赌博的原因之一。这就是为什么ESPN也大力推动将赌博整合到其旗舰流媒体服务中。通过与Penn Entertainment支持的ESPN Bet合作,通过新应用程序观看ESPN的粉丝将能够在屏幕上看到与现场比赛一起的投注信息。如果莫汉是对的,YouTube不可逆转地改变了电视的定义,那么它将彻底颠覆体育业务。现场比赛版权的成本,NBA在未来11年刚刚以770亿美元售出,可能会暴跌。 ively, the cost of highlight access could soar. This isn’t likely to happen any time soon. Even the oldest of Gen Alpha turn 15 this year. But it’s clearly on the minds of decision makers – many of whom have kids who aren’t sitting down at the TV to watch live sports. On the record With former Nike executive Sonny Vaccaro and journalist Armen Keteyian … I’m renting out this space to my good friend Sara Eisen , who spoke with former Nike executive Sonny Vaccaro and journalist Armen Keteyian , who just co-wrote “Legends and Soles: The Memoir of an American Original,” an autobiography of Vaccaro. Vaccaro leapt back into the spotlight two years ago when Matt Damon played him in the movie “Air,” the story of Nike signing Michael Jordan to his legendary endorsement deal. “Jordan was the first person to be marketed,” Vaccaro told Eisen. “This was seminal in 1984.” Keteyian noted that over the course of speaking with Vaccaro to write the book, he learned that longtime CBS broadcaster Billy Packer was instrumental in Nike signing Jordan. Packer helped to convince former Nike CEO Phil Knight to sign Jordan, whom Packer described as “the greatest basketball player he’d ever seen,” according to Keteyian. Watch the full interview and follow and listen to the new CNBC Sport podcast. CNBC Sport highlight reel The best of CNBC Sport from the past week: James Dolan ‘s MSG Networks owes $829 million in debt on March 26. Cable company Altice USA has blacked out regional games of the NBA’s New York Knicks (and the National Hockey League’s New York Rangers, New York Islanders, Buffalo Sabres and New Jersey Devils) since January. That puts the future of the company in doubt. CNBC’s Lillian Rizzo has more. The San Francisco 49ers are the latest NFL team to consider selling a stake of up to 10%. The Niners want a valuation of about $9 billion for the stake. Hey Jed York , just let me know where to send the $900 million check. My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, but that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax bracket. CNBC’s Angelica Peebles spoke with former Dallas Mavericks controlling owner Mark Cuban and asked him his thoughts on the widely panned Luka Doncic – Anthony Davis trade. Cuban told her, “I would have done it differently.” The National Women’s Soccer League’s Portland Thorns FC announced a multiyear sponsorship with Amazon -owned home security firm Ring. The deal makes Ring the club’s primary sponsor and will include logo placement on player jerseys. It’s the largest kit deal in league history, CNBC’s Russell Leung learned . The big number: $550 million ESPN is likely to opt out of its Major League Baseball deal next month, according to people familiar with the matter. Currently, ESPN pays about $550 million per year for MLB rights. It’ll be interesting to see if another bidder, such as Amazon, is willing to top ESPN’s per-year rights fee on the open market. Quote of the week “If the answer is yes, then I definitely want the Sunday games.” – Netflix Chief Content Officer Bela Bajaria to Puck’s Matt Belloni on his podcast The Town. I could write a whole newsletter on just this answer. On the one hand, Bajaria was playing a lightning round game with Belloni when she answered this, where Belloni led her into the premise by saying, “In five years, will Netflix air a weekly NFL game, and because the answer is obviously yes, which NFL package will you steal from a rival?” So she’s just playing along here by saying she wants the Sunday games – which she clarified to Sunday afternoon games, currently owned by Fox and CBS. In other words, Belloni asked her to choose a package, and she chose one. It’s not like she said this unprompted. But on the other hand, as Belloni said, well, duh! I wrote about this in the very first CNBC Sport newsletter – about how media executives are already freaking out about the end of the 2029-30 NFL season, when the league can opt out of its current deal. And Bajaria’s confirmation that Ne Netflix对周日下午赛事套餐表现出浓厚兴趣,这再次暗示大家基本上可以忽略Netflix联席CEO泰德·萨兰多斯关于体育的公开演讲,他在公司最新的财报电话会议上再次重申了这一点。萨兰多斯上月表示:“这并未真正改变全赛季大型联赛体育赛事经济基础极具挑战性的现状。因此,如果我们能找到一种方式,使经济模式既对我们有利也对联盟有利,我们当然会探索。但目前,我们认为直播赛事业务是我们真正想要涉足的领域。体育是其中非常重要的一部分,但只是扩展的一部分。”购买NFL周日下午赛事套餐,正是“全赛季大型联赛体育”的体现。此外,Netflix已获得WWE“Raw”的直播权,我认为这也是全赛季大型联赛体育。Netflix很快将有机会购买UFC、一级方程式赛车和MLB的转播权。我可以肯定地告诉你,几乎所有其他主要媒体体育高管在未来的每一次转播权讨论中,都将Netflix视为全赛季大型联赛体育的参与者。对于NFL——迄今为止对任何媒体公司来说最重要的体育赛事——这一点尤为明显。联盟热点:NBA仍需改进全明星赛。TNT转播的赛事平均吸引了470万观众,成为有记录以来观看人数第二少的比赛。新的锦标赛形式并未吸引大量观众。勒布朗·詹姆斯缺席比赛也无济于事。对于那些认为NBA全明星赛已无药可救的人,NHL似乎已经解决了其中期表演赛的问题:联盟的“四国对抗赛”美国对加拿大的比赛吸引了440万美国观众,远超之前的NHL全明星赛收视率,正如Sportico所指出的。想租迈克尔·乔丹在芝加哥的老房子吗?现在可以了!NBC体育报道,乔丹位于高地公园的37,000平方英尺豪宅现在以每月23万美元的低价出租。2024年是美国体育博彩行业的又一个创纪录年份,收入达到137.1亿美元。根据美国博彩协会的数据,这比去年的110.4亿美元有所增长。2025年1月13日,圣安东尼奥马刺队的维克多·温班亚马在洛杉矶Crypto.com竞技场赛后为洛杉矶湖人队主教练JJ Redick的孩子Kai和Knox签名。Katelyn Mulcahy | Getty Images Sport | Getty Images本文的一个版本首次出现在CNBC体育通讯中,由Alex Sherman撰写,为您带来体育商业和媒体领域的最新新闻和独家采访。订阅以接收未来的版本,直接发送到您的收件箱。上周末我在旧金山参加了NBA全明星赛,这也是联盟和媒体高管聚在一起讨论比赛未来的会议。我讨论的最常见话题是该行业如何调整以保持年轻观众的兴趣。联盟和媒体决策者几乎一致认为,Alpha一代(大致定义为2010年至2025年出生的人)对观看直播比赛几乎没有兴趣。他们会以YouTube Shorts或TikTok的形式观看精彩片段,他们希望看到他们最喜欢的创作者谈论NBA或与球员一起表演特技。但他们成长在一个媒体时代,注意力持续时间变得如此之短,以至于观看两到三个小时的直播比赛并插播广告的想法似乎显得可笑地过时。CNBC体育通讯由Alex Sherman撰写,每周为您带来体育商业和媒体领域的最新新闻和独家采访,直接发送到您的收件箱。点击此处订阅以获取访问权限。如果年轻观众不演变成比赛观众,除了联盟,迪士尼的ESPN面临的风险最大。该网络的整个业务都建立在直播的基础上。 e viewing. Disney has committed tens of billions of dollars in live sports contracts – more than any other company. ESPN will debut its bet-the-company “flagship” application this fall. One interesting nugget I learned: ESPN will build user-generated content (UGC) into the platform. I’m still a bit hazy on the details, but I reported back in July that Disney executives think about the YouTube threat “every day” and were discussing adding UGC to Disney+. An ESPN spokesperson declined to comment.I’m told at least some of the UGC won’t be ready at initial launch and will be geared toward parents – or at least a shared experience between kids and parents. That makes sense. While Gen Alpha has easy access to YouTube because it’s free, it’ll be up to their parents to pay for the ESPN application – $25 or $30 a month, I’m told. Executives are still weighing the right price between those two options.A price, a launch date, and a name for the service are all coming in the next few months. For the name, some executives have suggested simply calling the service “ESPN” while sunsetting the ESPN+ brand to a cheaper tier of sports content. That may be more of a possibility than a probability, but it’s an idea they’re kicking around. “The ‘new’ television doesn’t look like the ‘old’ television,” YouTube CEO Neal Mohan wrote in his annual letter last week. “It’s interactive and includes things like Shorts (yes, people watch them on TVs), podcasts, and live streams, right alongside the sports, sitcoms and talk shows people already love.”You’re seeing this reality creep into the NBA’s strategy. The All-Star game was shortened into multiple mini-games, each ending when a team scored 40 points. NBA Commissioner Adam Silver recently mused about shortening quarters from 12 minutes to 10 minutes. YouTube’s biggest star, Mr. Beast, joined All-Star weekend live from the Chase Center with one of his $100,000 contests. The question for the league – and media companies – is if Gen Alpha’s trend away from watching full games is irreversible or simply a product of age. The league has some evidence that gambling (legalized age: 18) increases live viewership. This is one of the reasons Silver has been a consistent advocate for legalized gambling. That’s why ESPN is also leaning heavily on integrating gambling into its flagship streaming service. In conjunction with ESPN Bet, powered by Penn Entertainment, fans who watch ESPN through the new app will be able to see betting information on the screen along with the live game.If Mohan is right, and YouTube inalterably changes the definition of TV, it totally upends the business of sports. The cost of live game rights, which just sold for $77 billion over the next 11 years for the NBA, could plummet. Alternatively, the cost of highlight access could soar.This isn’t likely to happen any time soon. Even the oldest of Gen Alpha turn 15 this year. But it’s clearly on the minds of decision makers – many of whom have kids who aren’t sitting down at the TV to watch live sports.On the recordWith former Nike executive Sonny Vaccaro and journalist Armen Keteyian …