
Fri, 21 Feb 2025 07:53:41 GMT

本周,中国开发的DeepSeek Chatbot应用程序在苹果应用商店的下载量远超美国Open AI开发的ChatGPT,这一消息导致全球科技市场市值蒸发数十亿美元。Leon Neal | 盖蒂图片社新闻 | 盖蒂图片社



摩根士丹利在本周的一份报告中表示,这家初创公司的崛起正在引发对中国“可投资性”的重新评估,此前很长一段时间内,中国市场的关注度有限。Teneo董事总经理Gabriel Wildau表示:“DeepSeek表明中国正处于或接近人工智能发展的前沿,这提升了中国经济和科技生态系统的声望,使其对全球投资者更具吸引力。”



这家初创公司也撼动了中国的人工智能生态系统,国有实体以及包括竞争对手在内的大型科技公司都在利用其开源架构。Counterpoint Research的人工智能首席分析师Wei Sun表示:“(中国)人工智能应用的规模和速度现在快得惊人,而且没有放缓的迹象。”

北京的认可 在本周早些时候的一次精心安排的会议上,中国国家主席习近平热情地迎接了DeepSeek创始人梁文峰,并授予他一个令人垂涎的前排座位,旁边是中国最大私营企业的领导人。北京智库中国与全球化研究中心创始人兼主席王辉耀表示,这表明北京渴望支持这家公司。




私营企业已经开始尝试这一新模型,以了解其如何提高生产力。汽车制造商、金融服务公司、智能手机制造商和云计算公司都在探索这一新模型的应用。 perators including Alibaba, Huawei and Tencent have rushed in recent weeks to integrate with DeepSeek.”With DeepSeek becoming a global household name in a matter of weeks, Beijing is [using it as an opportunity] to showcase China’s tech champions and demonstrate Chinese tech resilience and innovation in the face of US-led controls,” said Reva Goujon, director at Rhodium Group.Labor worriesEconomists, however, warned that the pace of AI adoption should be “managed carefully” in China, which is already facing a weak labor market and high unemployment rate.The “job destruction” effects by AI, while raising labor productivity, could exacerbate deflation and further weaken the economy, Goldman Sachs said.The youth unemployment rate in China has remained above 15%, with over 10 million fresh graduates piling into the job market every year. Job losses have been reported in recent years in the real estate sector, among civil servants, and the financial sector.Compared with the U.S. though, the Chinese labor market is less prone to AI automation risks due to a higher share of less-exposed, physically intensive jobs,” Goldman Sachs pointed out. Agriculture, manufacturing and construction make up 50% of all jobs in China, comparing to only 19% of total employment in the U.S.Sectors that are more prone to adopt AI-driven task automation, such as finance, insurance and services, constitute 14% of jobs stateside, but less than 3% in China, according to the bank’s estimates.A Pew study in 2023 found that 19% of U.S. workers are in jobs with high exposure to AI. That study used the term “exposure” as it’s unclear whether AI’s impact will be positive or negative.While AI application may cause the number of displaced workers to rise in the near term, these workers will eventually find jobs in other sectors where labor has a competitive advantage, helping employment to grow again, Goldman said.— CNBC’s Dylan Butts, Evelyn Cheng contributed to this report.

