
Luned Davies, a woman suffering from a paralyzed stomach, was misdiagnosed with anorexia and told she might die by doctors. Her weight dropped to five stone due to her condition, but doctors attributed it to her eating disorder. This misdiagnosis highlights the importance of accurate diagnosis and the potential harm of ignoring physical symptoms.

## 译文:

## 译文标题: 瘫痪的胃部被误诊为厌食症的女性

## 译文摘要:

Luned Davies 是一位患有胃瘫的女性,被医生误诊为厌食症,并被告知她可能会死亡。她的体重下降到五英石,原因是她的病症,但医生将其归咎于她的饮食失调。这个误诊突出了准确诊断的重要性以及忽视身体症状的潜在危害。

Original article: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cewl59xyke9o