
泰国总理เศรษฐา ทวีสิน被指控违反道德准则,被法院罢免。他被视为傀儡领导人,参与幕后权力斗争。此次事件标志着泰国旧势力的回归,并引发了人们对泰国政治稳定性的担忧。

## Original Title: Thai Court Ejects Prime Minister From Office, as Old Guard Reasserts Power

## Summary:

Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin, considered a figurehead leader in a power struggle behind the scenes, was removed from office by the Thai court on ethics charges. This event signals the return of the old guard in Thai politics and raises concerns about the country’s political stability.

Original article: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/14/world/asia/thailand-prime-minister-srettha.html