
新的联邦规则允许政治候选人与超级政治行动委员会(Super PAC)等外部组织协调他们的竞选活动。特朗普利用这一规则,将选民接触工作外包给外部组织,并为这些组织提供资金支持。此举引发了人们对竞选资金透明度和潜在利益冲突的担忧。

## Original Title: Trump Gambles on Outside Groups to Finance Voter Outreach Efforts

## Article Content:

New federal rules allow political candidates to coordinate their efforts to canvass for votes with outside groups like super PACs. This allows candidates to avoid campaign finance regulations and limits. Trump has used these rules to outsource his voter outreach efforts to outside groups, which he has then funded with contributions. This move has raised concerns about campaign finance transparency and potential conflicts of interest.

Original article: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/14/us/politics/trump-voter-outreach-super-pacs.html