迪士尼+ 订阅可以阻止鳏夫起诉迪士尼吗?

一位名叫杰弗里·皮科洛的男子,因为其妻子在迪士尼度假村餐厅食用食物后发生过敏反应死亡而起诉了迪士尼。迪士尼希望该案件由仲裁员处理。皮科洛声称迪士尼在合同中存在违反协议,而迪士尼则主张,皮科洛在购买迪士尼+ 订阅时同意了仲裁条款。该案件突显了订阅服务条款的法律效力以及消费者对其可能遇到的条款的了解程度。

## Original Title: Can a Disney+ Subscription Keep a Widower From Suing Disney in Court?

## Article Content:

Jeffrey Piccolo sued after his wife died from an allergic reaction to food served at a Disney resort restaurant. Disney wants the case handled by an arbitrator.

Original article: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/14/nyregion/disney-wrongful-death-lawsuit-arbitration.html