
苏珊·洛林茨是一名白人女性,她于去年六月通过家门射杀了 35 岁的黑人母亲阿吉克·欧文斯,当时欧文斯站在她家门外。这起案件引发了全国范围内的愤怒。洛林茨被判过失杀人罪。

Original Title: Susan Lorincz Found Guilty of Manslaughter in Fatal Shooting of Black Neighbor

Article Content:
Susan Lorincz, who is white, shot Ajike Owens last June through the door of her home as the 35-year-old mother of four stood outside. The case prompted national outrage.

Original article: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/16/us/susan-lorincz-verdict-manslaughter-guilty.html