

Original Title: 两名伊朗人徒步逃亡至德国
Summary: Two Iranian men, Omid and Milad, have successfully reached Germany after a month and a half of perilous escape. They have now filed asylum applications with the German government. Both men faced persecution for participating in anti-government protests in Iran, with Milad losing sight in one eye after being shot by Iranian security forces. Their journey was filled with hardship, and ultimately they chose to walk to Germany. Omid and Milad hope the German government will continue to provide support for Iranian refugees, helping them achieve safety and security.

Original article: https://www.dw.com/zh/%E4%B8%A4%E5%90%8D%E4%BC%8A%E6%9C%97%E4%BA%BA%E5%BE%92%E6%AD%A5%E9%80%83%E4%BA%A1%E8%87%B3%E5%BE%B7%E5%9B%BD/a-69953121