
這本書講述了傑克·唐尼,一位美國中情局特工,在冷戰期間被中國監禁 20 年的經歷。唐尼於 1952 年在朝鮮戰爭期間被中國軍隊俘獲,之後一直被囚禁,直到 1973 年才獲釋。 作者巴里·沃斯通過唐尼的個人經歷,講述了冷戰時期錯綜複雜的國際政治局勢,以及美國對中國的間諜活動。書中還描繪了唐尼在監獄中的生活,以及他如何在面對極度困境時保持堅韌的意志和對生命的熱愛。

Original Title: 《謊言的囚徒》:被中國監禁20年的中情局特工
Summary: This book tells the story of Jack Downey, a CIA agent who was imprisoned in China for 20 years during the Cold War. Downey was captured by the Chinese military during the Korean War in 1952 and remained in prison until his release in 1973. Author Barry Werth uses Downey’s personal experiences to recount the complex international political situation during the Cold War and the US’s espionage activities in China. The book also portrays Downey’s life in prison and how he maintained his resilience and love for life in the face of extreme adversity.

Original article: https://cn.nytimes.com/books/20240820/prisoner-of-lies-barry-werth/zh-hant/?utm_source=RSS