是的,她一定行(Yes she can)

为了支持民主党副总统候选人哈里斯,美国前总统奥巴马在民主党全国代表大会上发表讲话,他用“是的,她一定行”(Yes she can)呼应了当年自己竞选时的口号“是的,我们一定行”(Yes we can)。奥巴马称哈里斯为“能看到你、听到你、每天都会站起来为你而战的人”。同时,前第一夫人米歇尔也表达了对哈里斯的支持,并表示奥巴马2008年竞选口号的另一个版本正在“卷土重来”。此次大会上,美国现任总统拜登也发表了讲话,他数度拭泪,并表达了对哈里斯的支持。除了奥巴马夫妇以外,希拉里·克林顿也对哈里斯进行了支持,她称哈里斯将成为打破美国“最高、最硬的玻璃天花板”的人。德国总理肖尔茨在接受采访时也对哈里斯表达了高度评价,称她是一位“非常优秀的政治家”。

Original Title: “是的,她一定行(Yes she can)”
Summary: In a speech at the Democratic National Convention, former President Barack Obama used the phrase “Yes, she can” to support Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris, echoing his own campaign slogan “Yes, we can”. Obama described Harris as someone who “can see you, hear you, and will fight for you every day.” Former First Lady Michelle Obama also expressed support for Harris, saying that a variation of Obama’s 2008 campaign slogan was “making a comeback.” Current President Joe Biden also addressed the convention, expressing his support for Harris while shedding tears multiple times. Hillary Clinton also spoke in support of Harris, saying she will break the “highest, hardest glass ceiling” in the United States. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz expressed his high regard for Harris in an interview, calling her a “very good politician”.

Original article: https://www.dw.com/zh/%E2%80%9C%E6%98%AF%E7%9A%84%EF%BC%8C%E5%A5%B9%E4%B8%80%E5%AE%9A%E8%A1%8C%EF%BC%88Yes%20she%20can%EF%BC%89%E2%80%9D/a-70005622