
在布隆迪,猴痘病例正在上升,该病毒从邻国刚果民主共和国蔓延而来。一名患者描述了这种疾病的痛苦症状,包括喉咙痛、发烧和皮疹,她说:“我的喉咙痛得无法入睡。” 由于布隆迪的医疗基础设施有限,卫生工作者正在努力控制疫情,并为患者提供治疗。

Original Title: ‘My throat was so painful I couldn’t sleep’ – on the mpox frontline
Article Content:
Cases are rising in Burundi as the virus moves from neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo. A patient described the painful symptoms of the disease, including sore throat, fever and rash, saying, “My throat was so painful I couldn’t sleep.” With limited healthcare infrastructure in Burundi, health workers are struggling to contain the outbreak and provide treatment for patients.

Original article: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cly3xzdq909o