
尼泊尔是一个贫穷且山区众多的国家,长期以来一直与道路安全作斗争。最近,该国发生了一起严重的公交车事故,造成至少 27 人死亡。事故发生在该国的山区地区,具体原因仍在调查中。此次事故再次突显了尼泊尔道路安全的脆弱性,并引发了人们对加强道路基础设施和交通法规的呼吁。

## Original Title: Bus Accident in Nepal Kills at Least 27

## Article Content:

Nepal, a poor and mountainous country, has long struggled with road safety. A recent bus accident in the country has killed at least 27 people. The accident occurred in a mountainous region of the country, and the exact cause is still under investigation. This accident once again highlights the vulnerability of Nepal’s road safety and has prompted calls for stronger road infrastructure and traffic regulations.

Original article: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/24/world/asia/nepal-deadly-bus-crash.html