
Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, announced on Friday that an Iranian hacking group previously suspected of targeting the US presidential campaigns of both Democrats and Republicans had attempted to hack the WhatsApp accounts of staff working for President Biden and former President Trump. Meta stated that it detected these activities after individuals who received suspicious WhatsApp messages reported them to the platform. The hackers impersonated technical support staff from companies including Microsoft and Google. Meta investigators believe these activities are linked to the hacking incidents reported by the Trump campaign. The FBI stated this week that the Iranian hacking attacks against the Trump campaign and the attempted intrusions into the Biden-Harris campaign were part of a broader Iranian effort to interfere in US elections.

Translated Title: Meta:伊朗黑客试图攻击拜登和特朗普工作人员的 WhatsApp 账户

Summary: Meta,Facebook、Instagram 和 WhatsApp 的母公司,周五宣布,一个此前被怀疑攻击过美国民主党和共和党总统竞选活动的伊朗黑客组织,试图入侵现任总统拜登和前总统特朗普工作人员的 WhatsApp 账户。Meta 表示,在收到收到可疑 WhatsApp 信息的个人向平台举报后,发现了这些黑客网络的这类活动。这些黑客冒充包括微软和谷歌在内的公司的技术支持人员。Meta 的调查人员认为,这些活动与特朗普竞选活动所报告的黑客事件有关联。 美国联邦调查局本周表示,伊朗对特朗普竞选活动的网络攻击以及对拜登-卡玛拉·哈里斯竞选活动的入侵企图,是伊朗更广泛干涉美国大选行动的一部分。

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