Telegram 创始人杜罗夫在法国被捕,生活低调,主张网络隐私

Pavel Durov, a Russian-born tech entrepreneur, is known for founding the popular social network Telegram and a cryptocurrency, accumulating billions of dollars in wealth. However, he has clashed with government authorities in Russia and around the world. Despite his success, Durov maintains a low-key lifestyle and advocates for online privacy.

## 中文翻译:

## 翻译标题:Telegram 创始人杜罗夫在法国被捕,生活低调,主张网络隐私

## 摘要:

帕维尔·杜罗夫是一位出生于俄罗斯的科技企业家,他创立了广受欢迎的社交网络 Telegram 和一种加密货币,积累了数十亿美元的财富。然而,他与俄罗斯和世界各地的政府部门发生过冲突。尽管取得了成功,杜罗夫仍然保持低调的生活方式,并倡导网络隐私。

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