俄罗斯对 Telegram 老板逮捕案的质疑声不断

自从 Pavel Durov 在法国被捕后,俄罗斯媒体充斥着各种猜测和阴谋论。尽管一些人认为这与 Durov 与俄罗斯政府之间的争端有关,但其他人则怀疑这是一场精心策划的公关行动,旨在提升 Telegram 的知名度。

## Original Title: In Russia, questions swirl over arrest of Telegram boss
## Article Content:
Since Pavel Durov was detained in France, Russian media has been awash with speculation and conspiracies. Some believe his arrest is linked to his ongoing feud with the Russian government, while others suspect a carefully orchestrated PR stunt aimed at raising Telegram’s profile.

Original article: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cly9xqnn3v4o