
龟甲万正在印度市场开拓新的增长点,其目标是抓住印度中餐这一新兴的饮食类别。尽管印度中餐在日本并不常见,但在印度却十分受欢迎,尤其是以蔬菜为主,并使用大蒜、生姜和辣椒作为主要调味料。 龟甲万发现,印度中餐馆对酱油的需求很大,但他们并不了解如何使用酱油来提升菜肴的味道。因此,龟甲万决定采用BtoB模式,首先向印度中餐馆的主厨推广酱油,并为他们提供专门为印度中餐定制的酱油产品。 经过多年的努力,龟甲万终于推出了专门为印度中餐设计的“老抽”,并取得了不错的成绩。 龟甲万的策略是先培育市场,然后逐步扩大BtoC的市场份额。 随着印度中餐的不断发展,以及印度经济的增长,龟甲万的印度市场前景十分乐观。

Original Title: Kikkoman Sells Soy Sauce in India, a “No Demand” Market
Summary: Kikkoman is tapping into a new growth market in India, targeting the burgeoning category of Indian Chinese cuisine. While Indian Chinese cuisine is not common in Japan, it is popular in India, especially focusing on vegetables and using garlic, ginger, and chili peppers as the main seasonings. Kikkoman discovered a strong need for soy sauce in Indian Chinese restaurants, but they lacked knowledge on how to use soy sauce to enhance the flavor of dishes. As a result, Kikkoman decided to adopt a BtoB model, initially promoting soy sauce to chefs in Indian Chinese restaurants and providing them with soy sauce products specifically tailored for Indian Chinese cuisine. After years of efforts, Kikkoman finally launched its “Lao Chou” soy sauce, specifically designed for Indian Chinese cuisine, and has achieved notable success. Kikkoman’s strategy is to cultivate the market first, then gradually expand the BtoC market share. With the continuous development of Indian Chinese cuisine and the growth of the Indian economy, Kikkoman’s Indian market prospects are very optimistic.

Original article: http://cn.nikkei.com/columnviewpoint/column/56284-2024-08-27-05-00-05.html?print=1