
副总统哈里斯和前总统特朗普在接受 CNN 的 Anderson Cooper 和 ABC 的 David Muir 采访时就辩论规则进行了争论。哈里斯坚称,她不会参加任何由特朗普主持的辩论,因为他不遵守事实和规则。特朗普则反驳道,哈里斯应该参加辩论,并坚称他的辩论记录良好。两人还就一系列问题进行了交锋,包括疫情应对、经济和种族关系。与此同时,俄罗斯对乌克兰的能源基础设施发动了攻击。

## Original Title: Harris and Trump Squabbled Over Debate Rules

## Article Content:

Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump sparred over debate rules during separate interviews with CNN’s Anderson Cooper and ABC’s David Muir. Harris insisted she wouldn’t participate in any debate moderated by Trump, claiming he doesn’t adhere to facts or rules. Trump countered that Harris should participate and asserted his record as a debater is good. The two also clashed over a range of issues, including the pandemic response, the economy, and race relations. Meanwhile, Russia launched attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. Here’s the latest at the end of Monday.

Original article: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/26/briefing/trump-harris-debate-russia-ukraine-strikes.html