
Klarna plans to significantly reduce its workforce to 2,000 employees by leveraging AI in marketing and customer service. This strategic move aims to improve efficiency and ultimately save costs. However, the implementation of AI will require significant investment upfront, suggesting that Klarna may be paying a higher price for this technological solution in the short term.

## 翻译后的摘要: Klarna计划通过在市场营销和客户服务中使用人工智能,将其员工人数大幅缩减至2000人。这一战略举措旨在提高效率并最终节省成本。然而,人工智能的实施需要前期投入大量资金,这表明Klarna可能在短期内为这种技术解决方案付出更高的代价。

Original article: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c80e1gp9m9zo