特朗普集会枪击案枪手自 2019 年起就对暴力感兴趣,FBI 分析显示

FBI 官员表示,根据对托马斯·克鲁克斯电子设备的分析,他所展现出的个人特质更像是大规模枪击案的枪手,而不是政治动机下的暗杀者。

Original Title: Trump Rally Shooter Had Interest in Violence Since 2019, FBI Analysis Shows
Article Content:
F.B.I. officials said the profile that has emerged of Thomas Crooks, based on an analysis of his electronics, resembles that of a mass shooter more than a politically motivated assassin.

Original article: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/28/us/politics/thomas-crooks-trump-fbi.html