
一项调查显示,近一半的德国企业遭受了来自中国的网络攻击或工业间谍活动。Bitkom 的调查显示,在过去 12 个月内,80% 的德国公司报告了数据或 IT 设备被盗、工业间谍活动或破坏,给德国经济造成了高达 2670 亿欧元的损失。调查还发现,45% 的德国公司表示他们能够追踪到来自中国的攻击,高于 2023 年的 42%。中国是德国重要的经济伙伴,但近年来,中国黑客活动日益受到关注。德国安全部门警告企业,要意识到中国政府在经济活动中的参与程度,并采取措施保护自己免受攻击。

Original Title: 调查:近一半德企遭中国黑客攻击
Summary: A survey revealed that almost half of German companies have been subjected to cyberattacks or industrial espionage originating from China. The study, conducted by Bitkom, found that 80% of German companies reported data or IT equipment theft, industrial espionage, or sabotage within the past 12 months, resulting in an estimated €267 billion loss for the German economy. Notably, 45% of the companies surveyed indicated that they could trace attacks back to China, an increase from 42% in 2023. Although China is a significant economic partner for Germany, recent years have seen a surge in concerns regarding Chinese hacking activities. German security agencies have cautioned businesses about the extent of the Chinese government’s involvement in economic activities and urged them to implement protective measures against potential attacks.

Original article: https://www.dw.com/zh/%E8%B0%83%E6%9F%A5%EF%BC%9A%E8%BF%91%E4%B8%80%E5%8D%8A%E5%BE%B7%E4%BC%81%E9%81%AD%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD%E9%BB%91%E5%AE%A2%E6%94%BB%E5%87%BB/a-70072708