
矿业巨头Mineral Resources的董事总经理克里斯·埃里森希望员工“整天被囚禁在办公室”。他反对员工离开办公室喝咖啡,认为这会影响工作效率。这一言论引发了争议,许多人认为员工需要休息和放松才能更好地工作。

## Original Title: Mining boss opposes staff leaving office for coffee

## Article Content:
Managing director of Mineral Resources Chris Ellison wants to “hold staff captive all day long”. He has publicly stated that he is against employees leaving the office for coffee breaks, believing that it disrupts productivity. This statement has sparked debate, with many arguing that employees need breaks and relaxation to perform at their best.

Original article: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cdey4zzl529o