
澳门特首选举即将举行,前澳门终审法院院长岑浩辉宣布参选。岑浩辉并非土生土长的澳门人,而是上世纪八十年代从北京大学法律系毕业后移居澳门,被指是中共培养的“南下干部”,曾被称为“十三太保”或“十三金刚”。 岑浩辉的参选打破了澳门特首选举“澳人治澳”的传统,引发了“京人治澳”的争议。 有人认为,岑浩辉的当选标志着中央开始对澳门特区实施更直接的控制,而也有人认为,岑浩辉在澳门政法系统工作多年,熟悉澳门事务,他的当选并非意味着中央完全控制澳门。

Original Title: 岑浩辉参选澳门特首:北京栽培的“南下干部”与“京人治澳”的争议
Summary: The upcoming election for Macau’s Chief Executive has seen former Chief Justice Sam Hou-fai announce his candidacy. Hou-fai is not a native of Macau, but rather a “southern cadre” cultivated by the Chinese Communist Party after graduating from Peking University Law School in the 1980s. He was once known as one of the “Thirteen Tai Baos” or “Thirteen Iron Men.” Hou-fai’s candidacy has broken the tradition of “Macau people governing Macau” in Macau’s Chief Executive elections, leading to controversy about “Beijing people governing Macau.” Some believe that Hou-fai’s election marks the beginning of more direct control by the central government over the Macau Special Administrative Region. Others believe that Hou-fai, having worked in Macau’s legal system for many years and being familiar with Macau affairs, does not necessarily represent the central government’s complete control over Macau.

Original article: https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp/chinese-news-69308077?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA