
In 2023, the number of missing foreign trainees in Japan reached a record high of 9,753, according to the Immigration Services Agency of Japan. The agency attributed the increase to trainees fleeing workplaces due to human rights violations and plans to revise the system to facilitate job changes for trainees facing harassment or abuse. The highest number of missing trainees came from Vietnam (5,481), followed by Myanmar (1,765), China (816), and Cambodia (694). The new “training and employment” system, set to replace the current skill training program in 2027, will allow trainees to change jobs after two years. However, to address the growing concern, the agency will revise the “Implementation Guidelines” to explicitly allow trainees to change jobs in cases of violence, harassment, and abuse. The agency will also allow trainees to work part-time up to 28 hours a week during job transitions and grant them “specific activities” status for employment while awaiting “specific skills” qualifications. While these changes are welcomed by organizations supporting trainees, concerns remain about the difficulties trainees face in finding new jobs due to language barriers.

## 翻译:

## 译文标题:2023年日本技能实习生失踪人数创历史新高,达9753人

## 摘要:

日本出入国在留管理厅数据显示,2023年在技能实习期间失踪的外国人达到9753人,创出历史新高。该机构认为,一定数量的实习生因人权遭到侵害而厌恶工作单位导致失踪,将变更制度的运用方式,以便实习生在遭遇职权骚扰或性骚扰等情况下能够轻松换工作。失踪实习生人数最多的是越南(5481人),其次是缅甸(1765人)、中国(816人)和柬埔寨(694人)。 日本最早将于2027年引入新制度“育成就劳”来代替技能实习制度,新制度将允许实习生工作超过两年之后按照个人意愿换工作。为了应对失踪人数增加的趋势,出入国在留管理厅将修订《实施要领》,明确允许实习生在遭遇暴力、辱骂、威胁、强迫、性骚扰、孕娠骚扰和职权骚扰等情况下换工作。此外,实习生还将被允许在换工作期间每周最多打28小时零工,并可以在等待“特定技能”资格期间获得“特定活动”资格进行就业。 尽管这些变化受到支持实习生的组织的欢迎,但由于语言障碍,实习生在寻找新工作方面仍面临困难,对此也需要关注。

Original article: http://cn.nikkei.com/career/humanresource/56594-2024-09-04-05-00-50.html?print=1