发布女子求职不顺轻生 中国微信号“贞观”被封号

A Chinese WeChat account called “貞觀” (Zhenguan) was shut down today after publishing an article about a 33-year-old woman, a graduate of a top university, who allegedly committed suicide in her residence in Shaanxi province due to job hunting difficulties. The account was suspended and its content deleted for violating China’s internet regulations. This incident has sparked discussions and speculation.

## 翻译:

## 翻译标题: 发布女子求职不顺轻生 中国微信号“贞观”被封号

## 摘要:

中国微信公众号“贞观”今天被封禁,原因是其于 8 月发布了一篇文章,讲述了一名 33 岁的顶尖大学毕业女子因求职不顺陷入绝望,在陕西住所自杀身亡。该账号因违反中国网络相关管理法规,所有内容被删除,账号被停止使用。这一事件引发了争议和猜测。

Original article: https://www.cna.com.tw/news/acn/202409040319.aspx