
拜登政府正在考虑将原本作为临时措施的庇护限制措施永久化。这些限制措施是在今年 6 月拜登签署的一项行政命令中实施的,该命令封锁了大多数在南部边境寻求庇护的人。 虽然白宫尚未最终决定,但一些官员已表示,他们认为将这些限制措施永久化是必要的,以应对持续的移民危机。然而,这一举措也引发了批评,一些人认为它违反了国际法和美国的人道主义义务。

## Original Title: Biden’s Asylum Restrictions Were Meant to Be Temporary. Now That Could Change.

## Article Content:
The changes under consideration would build on the executive order that President Biden issued in June, which blocked a vast majority of asylum claims at the southern border.

Original article: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/04/us/politics/biden-asylum-restrictions.html